YOU, ME, &

Podcast created by Dr. Deb with Crystal Clear


Hello, I’m Deb Ayer (or Débora depending on where I’m at on the planet. 😉). I am a passionate woman about many things, such as being a mama, an entrepreneur, a lover of nature, a (different kind of) chiropractor, and of course I wear many other hats too. At the end of the day I’m simply a playful love muse that champions sacred embodiment as a gateway to liberation on all levels.

I’ve spent the last 30 years facilitating 1000s of incredible human beings while tableside in my wellness center, leading conscious embodiment workshops, teaching other chiropractors, or through personal and group mentoring.

For several years now, I have been asked when I would write my first book. Spoiler alert, I am not an author of a book…yet. 😉 When something on the docket of my life continues not to manifest, it’s time to reflect. This podcast is a result of my reflection. Turns out I like to speak. Who knew? (Don’t answer that.)

My studies, teachings, and clinical practice have not only created quantum shifts in my life and lineage but also keeps me continuously humble and cosmically in awe. 

You, Me, and the Elephant embodies two threads of point that show up again and again.

One is the GAP, the space between.

It is within the space between words, breath, touch, all of life where we access the free and potent energy of something more, of consciousness, quantum, the 3rd perspective if you will.  

Secondly, patterns, patterns, patterns.

Within life, systems, culture, nature, etc. we have experiences that repeat throughout a lifetime, a lineage, a history. With time, I began to notice that there were common threads that exist between us and that within each pattern there lives a part of each of us. It is our hope that within the space of our conversations and acknowledgment of common patterns you will find a bit more of You within You, and within us.

I was thrilled when Crystal, my soulful, sparkly and ever-so-brilliant colleague, co-conspirator, and dear sister goddess said a big fat yes to taking this journey with me. 

Crystal Hayes aka Crystal Clear is a powerful freedom seeker as an Aquarius Sun with an Aquarius Moon who illuminates all parts of us with her divine spark. The ‘seven’ in her is playful and optimistic, thriving in the essence of humaning together.

She spends her time as a yogi, nutritionist, enneagram extraordinaire, healer, sister goddess, military wifey, the mother ship of two beautiful souls and two fur babies dedicated to being herself and encouraging others to do the same through all the ranges with compassion and humorous connection. May the magic in her ignite the magic in you.

We are excited, honored and in love with this inspired moment where the pieces of all of us get to come together and dance inside the gap.

May this podcast be a constant revelation to explore those human threads that are within all of us and allow these gems to wake up a part of us knowing that we are truly not alone. 

Join us on a journey of curious questions that shine a light on those places in between, the elephant in the room, where the magic resides.  



How do you sustain your life?

A question I was presented with recently was, “Where in my life do I sustain and where in my life do I maintain?” Have you ever been asked a simple question that feels out of proportionally complex to answer? This conversation ended up being very helpful in noticing where I am currently maintenance heavy and where I am maintenance light. Join me in the episode.


What do you expect?

In this episode, I adventure into what lies behind our expectations, how reconnecting with the mystery of life influences how and what we expect, and how re-visiting Don Miguel Ruiz's Four Agreements may support us in updating and enriching our relationship to EXPECTING.


What are you saying?

This episode is simply filled with three baseline observations on how what we say can reveal what’s happening on the inside and within the dynamic of your relationships. Sometimes we use avoidance language, sometimes we come out fighting, and others we just simply freeze.